View Full Version : List related information comparison, based on list matching

02-22-2017, 01:52 AM
Hey there!

So i have the folloving problem.
I have two lists in two different worksheets, and already compared them, marking the differences.
The list looks something like:
ABC-12345 in cell B1 a few irrelevant cells and then 1234 in H1
ABC-12346 in cell B2 a few irrelevant cells and then 1235 in H2

And a list with the same structure in another worksheet. What i need is if the ABC-12345 has a matching value in the other list, check if the related four digit number few cells away is
matching as well.
Anyone knows something like that?

02-22-2017, 02:58 PM
Please supply a workbook with realistic values in to experiment with. It will answer a lot of questions that we could only guess (wrongly) the answers to.
Ideally with some sample results as you want them (highlighted in some way).

03-01-2017, 02:22 AM
I managed to solve the problem meanwhile, not in a very elegant way though....
Thanks for trying to help anyways :)