View Full Version : Getting Information about Exceptions from Recurring Events

03-06-2017, 02:14 AM

I am working on a script to sync all my events in my Outlook 2010/Exchange 2007 calendar with another calendar I have in Office365. I am using VBA-Web for handling all the Office365 communication via the Graph API.

My script works well for single Instance events and also for recurring events, but I have trouble getting the exceptions correct. When syncing a recurring event, I am checking if item.GetReccurrencePattern.Exceptions.Count is > 0 and if so, I look through all Exceptions. If it has the property "deleted" I can use the "originalDate" Property to figure out which item I also have to delete in the office365 account. However if its not deleted but changed to another date or also other properties, like subject, etc. are changed, I am not able to retreive this information. For example if there is just one exception, then item.GetReccurrencePattern.Exceptions.item(1).AppointmentItem.subject gives me the original subject and not the changed subject.

When I just look through all items including recurrences then I get also the item with the changed subject, but then the link is missing to the original date, so that I wont know which item in office365 I had to change.

Is this the wrong approach?