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View Full Version : textbox format

03-06-2017, 04:44 AM
I have the code that I like to be able to to put more zeros (i.e. $0.0000), but I'm running out of answers. Can some assist. Thanks

Dim v As String

Select Case Len(tbSPrice)
Case 1
tbSPrice = Format(tbSPrice, "00\.00")
Case Is > 1
v = Replace(tbSPrice, "$", "")
v = Replace(v, ".", "")
tbSPrice = Format(CCur(v) / 100, "$#,##0.00")
Case Else
End Select

03-06-2017, 06:11 AM
tbSPrice = Format(v / 100, "$#,###.0000")

03-06-2017, 09:03 AM
What is an example of tbSPrice going in and what is the format you want to see coming out?

It looks like you replace the $ and . and then format it again with a $ and . but /100

Confusing to me

03-06-2017, 09:42 AM
its a userform textbox. The code automatically formats the numbers into currency format as I type. only problem I'm facing is when I have currency that have extra numbers (i.e. $5.8686). On another note. The code SamT offered didn't work.

03-06-2017, 11:42 AM
extra numbers (i.e. $5.8686). On another note. The code SamT offered didn't work.


Perhaps you can provide us with some Examples of the Textbox entries and what you want them to be formatted as. Your explanation is lacking too many details.
Note: All TextBox values are strings.


tbSPrice = Format(CDbl(v), "$#,###.0000")

03-06-2017, 09:01 PM
I'm still not clear on the requirements, but try this

Option Explicit

Sub PH()
Dim tbSPrice As String
Dim i As Long

tbSPrice = "$5.8686"

i = InStr(tbSPrice, ".")

If i = 0 Then
tbSPrice = tbSPrice & ".00"
tbSPrice = Left(tbSPrice, i) & Mid(tbSPrice & "00", i + 1, 2)
End If

MsgBox tbSPrice

End Sub