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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] VBA Regex

03-07-2017, 05:53 AM
Hi, I am new to Regex, and struggeling to learn. In the meantime I reach out in hope for help.

I am working with an excel-app that sends out requests for public information (FOIA) to public offices. The requests does always contain the case and documentnumber that identifies the documents at the public office. They are always in formats like this:

http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Images/icon-access.png (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/Search?department=Seksjon%20for%20budsjett%2C%20regnskap%20og%20oppf%C3%B8l ging&sectioncounter=3#)

2016/4408-95 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2016&sequenceNumber=4408) KS Regnskapsundersøkelse 2016

Dato28.02.2017SakOslo kommunes regnskap 2016FraKS

http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Images/icon-access.png (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/Search?department=Seksjon%20for%20budsjett%2C%20regnskap%20og%20oppf%C3%B8l ging&sectioncounter=3#)

2017/698-4 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2017&sequenceNumber=698) 15/2017 Spørsmål om tilknytningsavgiften for vann og avløp

Dato27.02.2017SakTilknytningsavgiftene for vann og avløpTilFinanskomiteen


2016/4928-3 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2016&sequenceNumber=4928) 14/2017 Verbalvedtak og takster fra bystyrets behandling av budsjett 2017

Dato27.02.2017SakOppfølging av budsjett 2017TilFinanskomiteen

http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Images/icon-access.png (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/Search?department=Seksjon%20for%20budsjett%2C%20regnskap%20og%20oppf%C3%B8l ging&sectioncounter=3#)

2016/6013-2 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2016&sequenceNumber=6013) 16/2017 Spørsmål til byrådet fra Peter Myhre(F) - Budsjettbehandling

Dato27.02.2017SakKostnader ved budsjettbehandlingenTilFinanskomiteen

http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Images/icon-access.png (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/Search?department=Seksjon%20for%20budsjett%2C%20regnskap%20og%20oppf%C3%B8l ging&sectioncounter=3#)

2017/1115-2 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2017&sequenceNumber=1115) Etterlyser urevidert regnskap - innsyn

Dato24.02.2017SakInnsyn i regnskapet - økonomisk oversikt drift, investering og balanse 2016FraKommunal rapport AS

http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Images/icon-no-access.png (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/Search?department=Seksjon%20for%20budsjett%2C%20regnskap%20og%20oppf%C3%B8l ging&sectioncounter=3#)

2016/2167-11 (http://byr-journal.cloudapp.net/Journal/SearchRelated?caseYear=2016&sequenceNumber=2167) Oversendelse av uavhengig revisors beretning om kompensasjonsoppgave for merverdiavgift for 6. termin 2016

So thats: always 4 digits identifying the year, and then always "/", followed by x number of numbers, then "-" and finally x numbers of numbers.

My excel-app extraxts each of this posts as one text-string. Could any help me write the regex - snippet I need to extract the casenumbers? The reason that I need Regex for it, is that they may appear in the middle of the text as well.

Any help much appreciated http://www.vbaexpress.com/forum/images/icons/icon7.png

03-07-2017, 06:49 AM
Maybe something like this

It only returns the first one, but can be expanded to return all 'Finds' in an array

Option Explicit
Sub drv()
Dim s As String

s = "2016/2167-11 Oversendelse av uavhengig revisors beretning om kompensasjonsoppgave for merverdiavgift for 6. termin 2016"
MsgBox RegExpExtract(s)

s = "Oversendelse av uavhengig revisors beretning om 2016/2167123456-1122334455 kompensasjonsoppgave for merverdiavgift for 6. termin 2016"
MsgBox RegExpExtract(s)
End Sub

Function RegExpExtract(LookIn As String) As String
Dim oRegExp As Object
'Create instance of RegExp object
Set oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With oRegExp
.Pattern = "\d{4}/\d+-\d+"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = False
End With

'Test to see if there are any matches
If oRegExp.test(LookIn) Then
'Run RegExp to get the matches, which are returned as a zero-based collection
RegExpExtract = oRegExp.Execute(LookIn)(0)
RegExpExtract = vbNullString
End If

Set oRegExp = Nothing

End Function

03-07-2017, 07:59 AM
Great, it works! Tthanks for giving me great head start. :) Super - cool!
And I'll need to work on my Regex.