View Full Version : SubTest Help for debugging

03-14-2017, 10:44 AM
So I'm trying to write a subtest function inside VBA so I can run my code and see where my calculation problems go wrong. Can someone help me out, please. I keep getting a run time error of 13. I'll include my main code and any other code included in the function. All I'm looking for is getting my sub test code working so I can debug my code. Learning VBA but I want to try to get this myself. Thanks Everyone!

My Input:



N 76-04-24 E



S 38-29-44 E

Excel Output

Excel Output

Code Included:

Function DASH2DD(strDashAngle As String) As Double

'Converts DMS angles in dash format to decimal degrees
'Written by Evan Venechuk

Dim dDash1 As Double
Dim dDash2 As Double
Dim dDegree As Double
Dim dMinute As Double
Dim dSecond As Double

'Find position of dashes

dDash1 = WorksheetFunction.Find("-", strDashAngle)
dDash2 = WorksheetFunction.Find("-", strDashAngle, dDash1 + 1)

'Parse DMS

dDegree = Left(strDashAngle, dDash1 - 1)
dMinute = Mid(strDashAngle, dDash1 + 1, dDash2 - dDash1 - 1)
dSecond = Right(strDashAngle, Len(strDashAngle) - dDash2)

'Convert to DD and return value

DASH2DD = dDegree + dMinute / 60 + dSecond / 3600

End Function

Function B2Az(strBearing As String) As String

'Converts Bearings to Azimuths
'Written by Evan Venechuk

Dim strFirstLetter As String, strLastLetter As String, strAzimuth As String, strAngle As String
Dim dAzimuth As Double, dAngle As Double

'Remove any extra spaces in the bearing and makes all letters upper case

strBearing = UCase(Trim(strBearing))

'Finds the first and last letter in the bearing and stores it

strFirstLetter = Left(strBearing, 1)
strLastLetter = Right(strBearing, 1)

'Finds the DMS angle in dash form inside the bearing and converts it to DD angle

strAzimuth = Mid(strBearing, 3, Len(strBearing) - 4)
dAzimuth = DASH2DD(strAzimuth)

'Converts bearing to azimuth and converts DD angles back into DMS angles in dash form
'Returns Value

If strFirstLetter = "N" And strLastLetter = "E" Then
B2Az = DD2DASH(dAzimuth)

ElseIf strFirstLetter = "S" And strLastLetter = "E" Then
B2Az = DD2DASH(180 - dAzimuth)

ElseIf strFirstLetter = "S" And strLastLetter = "W" Then
B2Az = DD2DASH(180 + dAzimuth)

ElseIf strFirstLetter = "N" And strLastLetter = "W" Then
B2Az = DD2DASH(360 - dAzimuth)

End If

End Function

Main Code:

Function BBI(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Variant

Dim dXp As Double, dYp As Double, dXa As Double, dXb As Double, dAzAP As Double, dAzBP As Double
Dim dLengthAB As Double, dAzAB As Double, dYa As Double, dYb As Double, dDeltaX As Double, dDeltaY As Double
Dim dAngleA As Double, dAngleB As Double, dAngleP As Double, dlengthAP As Double

dXa = Range1.Item(1)
dYa = Range1.Item(2)
dAzAP = DASH2DD(B2Az(Range1.Item(3)))

dXb = Range2.Item(1)
dYb = Range2.Item(2)
dAzBP = DASH2DD(B2Az(Range2.Item(3)))

dDeltaX = dXb - dXa
dDeltaY = dYb - dYa

dLengthAB = (dDeltaX ^ 2 + dDeltaY ^ 2) ^ 0.5
dAzAB = WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Atn(dDeltaX / dDeltaY))

dAngleB = (180 + dAzAB) - dAzBP
dAngleP = 180 - dAngleA - dAngleB

dAngleB = WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Sin(WorksheetFunction.Radians(dAngleB)))
dAngleP = WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Sin(WorksheetFunction.Radians(dAngleP)))

dlengthAP = dLengthAB * (dAngleB / dAngleP)

dXp = dXa + dlengthAP * WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Sin(WorksheetFunction.Radians(dAngleA)))
dYp = dYa + dlengthAP * WorksheetFunction.Degrees(Cos(WorksheetFunction.Radians(dAngleA)))

BBI = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Array(dXp, dYp))

End Function


Sub test_BBI()

Dim RangeOne As Range, RangeTwo As Range

Sheets("Problem 3").Activate

Set RangeOne = Range("G3:G5")
Set RangeTwo = Range("G7:G9")

Debug.Print BBI(RangeOne, RangeTwo)

End Sub

03-14-2017, 11:08 AM
Add Option Explicit and then Debug/Compile as a first step.

Also, use a With statement to lose the repeated text

With WorksheetFunction

dLengthAB = (dDeltaX ^ 2 + dDeltaY ^ 2) ^ 0.5
dAzAB = .Degrees(Atn(dDeltaX / dDeltaY))

dAngleB = (180 + dAzAB) - dAzBP
dAngleP = 180 - dAngleA - dAngleB

dAngleB = .Degrees(Sin(.Radians(dAngleB)))
dAngleP = .Degrees(Sin(.Radians(dAngleP)))

dlengthAP = dLengthAB * (dAngleB / dAngleP)

dXp = dXa + dlengthAP * .Degrees(Sin(.Radians(dAngleA)))
dYp = dYa + dlengthAP * .Degrees(Cos(.Radians(dAngleA)))

BBI = .Transpose(Array(dXp, dYp))

End With

03-14-2017, 02:25 PM

I have option explicit in my module, I just didn't add it to this code insert. Any suggestions on how to get my sub test to work so I can run in it inside the module and figure out where my math went wrong? The output I'm getting isn't right. Thanks for the tips though. Adding that worksheet part really clears up the code.

03-14-2017, 02:51 PM
I'm getting a compile error with DD2DASH - not defined.
Can you post your book showing the input data?

03-14-2017, 07:03 PM

Sorry, it came out sideways. I couldn't figure out how to rotate it. That's basically what I'm trying to do.

Here's how my excel sheet looks like for the input.

My Input:



N 76-04-24 E



S 38-29-44 E

Excel Output

Excel Output

My biggest problem is getting that sub test working so I can pause each line of the code and from there figure out where my math in the code is going wrong, Thanks for your help so far!

03-14-2017, 08:06 PM
My sub test doesn't print in the intermediate window but I can pause my main code and run through it with it. Figured out all my errors and debugged it! The code runs perfectly now. Thanks for your help!