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View Full Version : Using .Value fails when initialising a user form

04-24-2017, 04:58 AM
Hi All,

I have a problem using .Value to determine the value in a list box. To demonstrate i setup a simple userform with ListBox1 and ListBox2. I then added the following code to the userform:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ListBox1.AddItem "bob"
ListBox1.AddItem "bill"
ListBox1.ListIndex = 1
Box1Val = ListBox1.Value

ListBox2.AddItem "Frank"
ListBox2.AddItem "Harry"
ListBox2.ListIndex = 1
Box2Val = ListBox2.Value
End Sub

Running this i get
Box1Val = "Bill" (expected as ListIndex = 1)
Box2Val = "" (Why am i not getting "Harry"???)

If i replace ListBox2.Value with ListBox2.List(1) i get the correct value - but i want to know why .Value is working in one instance and not another and how to fix this.

Thanks for any help


04-24-2017, 06:38 AM
Try doing it this way instead

Edit -- actually I realized I was working too hard. This seems easier

Option Explicit
Dim Box1Val As String, Box2Val As String
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
MsgBox "Box1Val = " & Box1Val
MsgBox "Box2Val = " & Box2Val

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Change()
If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then
Box1Val = "Nothing Selected"
Box1Val = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub ListBox2_Change()
If ListBox2.ListIndex = -1 Then
Box2Val = "Nothing Selected"
Box2Val = ListBox2.List(ListBox2.ListIndex)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

ListBox1.AddItem "Bob"
ListBox1.AddItem "Bill"
ListBox1.AddItem "aaaa"
ListBox1.AddItem "bbbb"
ListBox1.AddItem "cccc"

ListBox2.AddItem "Frank"
ListBox2.AddItem "Harry"
ListBox2.AddItem "dddd"
ListBox2.AddItem "eeee"
ListBox2.AddItem "ffff"

' Base 0
ListBox1.ListIndex = 1 ' Bill
ListBox2.ListIndex = 0 ' Frank
End Sub



04-24-2017, 06:56 AM
I've found .Value to be an unreliable way to access what is selected from a ListBox. I prefer to use

With ListBox1
If .ListIndex = -1 Then
MsgBox "nothing selected"
MsgBox .List(.ListIndex)
End If
End With

Also, there are situations where .Value will return an "improper use of null" error, the .Text property won't.

04-24-2017, 11:44 PM
Hi Paul and Mikerickson,

Thanks for both of your replies. Looks like i am going to have to rewrite parts of my application to remove .Value!

I think this behaviour is something to do with the item not being selected despite using .ListIndex because if i run this code:

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ListBox1.AddItem "bob"
ListBox1.AddItem "bill"
ListBox1.ListIndex = 1

ListBox2.AddItem "Frank"
ListBox2.AddItem "Harry"
ListBox2.ListIndex = 1
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Click()
Box1Val = ListBox1.Value
Box2Val = ListBox2.Value
End Sub

Userform1 initialises - then click on "Harry" in ListBox2 and then on the userform to activate UserForm_Click() both Box1Val and Box2Val return the expected values.....It seems to me that on initialisation ListIndex is only selecting the item in Listbox1 and ignoring Listbox2 until physically clicked by the user....

EDIT - Actually you dont even need to click on "Harry". Just initialising and then clicking on the userform seems to work!

