View Full Version : Quick part only in current document

04-26-2017, 02:26 AM

I'm creating a "template" for my department. The reason I'm calling it a "template" is because it's not a .dotm, it's a .docm file, which is then Saved As a new document (the reason why I chose that is because I want the macros to be contained within the document itself, not referring to a template file on a server disk which may not be accessible during all times)...

Now I want to create my own quick parts, to use with the "Building block gallery content control". And now to the question: can I save the quick parts only within the current .docm file? I know that IF I would have been working in a .dotm file, it would have been possible to choose to save the quick part only within that template, but now the only options in the "Save in"-dialog is Building Blocks.dotx and Normal.dotx.

Best regards,

04-26-2017, 04:38 AM
No. Building blocks are stored in templates (that is a .dotx or .dotm format file and not something you want to call a template). Why don't you distribute a template to your users?

04-26-2017, 06:52 AM
We have all of our template files on a server disk. Distributing them would be very inconvenient I think. Or can you recommend any good "ways of working" when it comes to sharing macro enabled templates?

04-26-2017, 07:03 AM
I'd put all the DOTMs on the server in a central folder(s)

Then each user just has to point Workgroup Templates to the Share Drive (one time)

Then when the user does File, New they pick Custom and the folder and the DOTM

PS - make user the security on the DOTMs is set how you want it, read only for example



There's a Templates folder there because I have some personal (one user) templates also


04-27-2017, 12:04 AM
Thanks Paul. But does that mean in your case that every time a user don't have network access to L:\ , they can not run the macros because the .dotm would be unavailable?