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View Full Version : Solved: Time&Date Calculation and Formatting issue

11-08-2005, 12:32 AM
Hi Forum,

Time/Date formatting issue I have is:

john.doe.80010112004 (where the number represent hmmMMDDYYYY)

mary.jane.81310112004 (where the number represent hmmMMDDYYYY)


Desired output (with least formatting steps performed)

0:13 ((hh:mm) (as the total time elapsed))

Thanks in advance for the suggestions! :help

Bob Phillips
11-08-2005, 02:07 AM
Hi Forum,

Time/Date formatting issue I have is:

john.doe.80010112004 (where the number represent hmmMMDDYYYY)

mary.jane.81310112004 (where the number represent hmmMMDDYYYY)


Desired output (with least formatting steps performed)

0:13 ((hh:mm) (as the total time elapsed))

Thanks in advance for the suggestions! :help


and format as time

11-08-2005, 02:52 AM
Thanks a lot XLD! :beerchug: