View Full Version : AUTO UPDATE WBOOK

11-09-2005, 03:08 AM
Assuming i have the MASTER and other variuos sheet into same dir (c:\mydir\)
Into MASTER and into other sheets is present a column L with unique index value. (not possible dupes).
http://www4.rapidupload.com/d.php?file=dl&filepath=4193 (http://www4.rapidupload.com/d.php?file=dl&filepath=4193)
Is possible via macro:

From a macro into the MASTER wbook, auto insert in the column M the variuos value present in each from all column M of other sheets 4506...., 4507.... and 4508...? Make this operation without to open the variuois sheet 4506...., 4507.... and 4508...from the mydir

11-13-2005, 10:35 PM
You can add a link in your workbook for the cells you need. Just open your master and put it in the cells you need.

Like in your masterworkbook.

Click cell L1, type ='C:\mydir\[4506.xls]Sheet1'!$M1
then click and hold the lower right corner and drag down the cells you need.

Now when you open your master it will post the information without opening the other workbooks. Not sure if that's what you need but hope it helps.