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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Fill cells

Romulo Avila
06-14-2017, 10:02 AM
Good Morning,

I need a formula that fills the cells as follows:

Cell B14 - Show the step that is in process, the analysis is done as follows, it is checked if the previous step is already with "S" in the FINALIZED column).

Cell B16 - Show the next step of the process, the analysis is done in the following way, it is verified in the next line if there is value in column C, if there is no pass to the next step, if

there is the next step.

Attached example

Thank you

Leith Ross
06-14-2017, 10:50 AM
Hello Romulo,

Type this formula into cell B14 =IFERROR(INDEX(B2:B11,MATCH(TRUE,(E2:E11<>"S"),0)),0)
Use CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm the entry.

Type this formula into cell B16 =IFERROR(INDEX(B2:B11,MATCH(TRUE,C2:C11="",0)+1),0)
Use CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER to confirm the entry.

Romulo Avila
06-14-2017, 02:07 PM
Leith Ross,

Good evening,

It worked, thanks again for the help.