View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Find row containing "True"

06-22-2017, 02:17 AM
Hi all,
Looking for a vba method of assigning the row value of a cell, where a formula returns a "true" value, to a variable. I've attached a sample image of my database, row "AD" will be hidden when using the database and contains a match formula (can provide code if needed) which will only returns TRUE in one row of the entire database (as there are no duplicate values). I need a way of getting the row number of that "true" and assigning it to a variable so i can use it to identify another cell in the same row (can provide code if needed).


Any and all help appreciated, thanks ex(cel)perts! :)

06-22-2017, 02:31 AM
Also cross-posted on:
Ozgrid Excel Help & Best Practices Forums
Mr Excel
Excel forum
Under the same name: Find row containing "True"

But it wont let me post the hyperlinks, apologies