View Full Version : VBA error after conversion from V2002 to V2010

07-10-2017, 03:00 AM
Hi, I had converted my V2002 file to V2010. File successfully converted but some VBA doesnt work properly. The following VBA works perfectly in V2002 but it doesnt in v2010. I used the variables, ie 'applicants' and 'mortgr' in the Report. 'Applicants' and 'mortgr' was at Public in V2002, then hit error when generating the report (the field display as '#Name?'). After changing to Dim, no more error for the field, but prompted as parameter value box. Any help is much appreciated! =)

Option Compare Database
'Public applicants As String
'Public mortgr As String

Option Explicit

Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstMR As DAO.Recordset
Dim sSQLM As String
Dim applicants As String
Dim mortgr As String

Set dbs = CurrentDb()
Set rstMR = dbs.OpenRecordset("MR", dbOpenDynaset)
sSQLM = "[Loan_No] Like '" & Forms!EnquiryList!Loan_No & "'"
rstMaster_Records.FindFirst sSQLM
If rstMR.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "Loan Number Not Found"
Exit Sub
'------------To get the Borrower(s)string--------------
If Not IsNull(rstMR!Main_Applicant) Then
applicants = rstMR!Main_Applicant
End If
If Not IsNull(rstMR!Joint1_Name) Then
applicants = applicants & "/ " & rstMR!Joint1_Name
End If

End If

'--------------To get the Mortgagor(s) string------------
If (Nz(rstMR!Main_Applicant) = Nz(rstMR!Mortgr1_Name)) _
And (Nz(rstMR!Joint1_Name) = Nz(rstMR!Mortgr2_Name)) _
mortgr = "SAME AS BORROWER(S)"
If Not IsNull(rstMR!Mortgr1_Name) Then
mortgr = rstMR!Mortgr1_Name
End If
If Not IsNull(rstMR!Mortgr2_Name) Then
mortgr = mortgr & "/ " & rstMR!Mortgr2_Name
End If

End If

07-10-2017, 07:46 AM
The only thing that I can think of is your lack of Error Handling in your code.
If you have an error that does not actually stop the code Global Variables can lose their values.
Have you tried adding setting the variables at the start of the code and then checking them with a msgbox to see if they exist? or use the debug immediate window?

07-11-2017, 01:32 AM
Hi OBP, I am unable to find the solution. Thus, I remove the VBA and create them directly on the text box in the report instead. Thanks for your suggestion.