View Full Version : Checkbox to Delete Row

07-14-2017, 07:18 AM
Hi there,

i made a UserForm with some CheckBoxes, if i select the wanted CheckBoxes and press the Button, it deletes the Rows that stand for this Boxes.

All works how i want it to work. But there should be a smarter way of doing this and i want to learn this way.

In total i would have something arround 50 Checkboxes, is there a better way than my code bellow?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim MyCol As String
Dim i As Integer

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then

For i = 2 To Range("S" & "65536").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i & ":AZ" & i), "1") > 0 Then
Range("S" & i).EntireRow.Delete
End If

Next i
End If

If CheckBox2.Value = True Then

For i = 2 To Range("S" & "65536").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i & ":AZ" & i), "2") > 0 Then
Range("S" & i).EntireRow.Delete
End If

Next i
End If

If CheckBox3.Value = True Then

For i = 2 To Range("S" & "65536").End(xlUp).Row Step 1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i & ":AZ" & i), "3") > 0 Then
Range("S" & i).EntireRow.Delete
End If

Next i
End If

End Sub

that just 3 CheckBoxes but this would be to long if i add 50 of them

Thanks for your Help

Best Regards

07-14-2017, 07:31 AM
Deleting rows working from the top down often gives disappointing results. This works from the bottom up.
This will loop through checkboxes adjusting the search value as it goes.

For j = 1 to 3
If Me.Controls("CheckBox" & j).Value then
For i = Range("S" & "65536").End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i & ":AZ" & i), j) > 0 Then
Range("S" & i).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End If
Next i

07-14-2017, 08:26 AM
Deleting rows working from the top down often gives disappointing results. This works from the bottom up.
This will loop through checkboxes adjusting the search value as it goes.

For j = 1 to 3
If Me.Controls("CheckBox" & j).Value then
For i = Range("S" & "65536").End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("A" & i & ":AZ" & i), j) > 0 Then
Range("S" & i).EntireRow.Delete
End If
Next i
End If
Next i

Ohh thats alot smarter, Thank you this works perfectly.
I think the wrong way, but i learned from this.