View Full Version : InStr() Option

07-14-2017, 10:39 AM
Does anyone know if there is another function like InStr() where it will return the position location of everything found in a string?

str = "abcabcabcabc"

val = instr***(str, "b")

'returns 2,5,8,11

I know I can create my own but I was wondering if anyone new a function that already exists that can do this.

07-14-2017, 12:23 PM
I can't speak for the other 6 + billion souls but AFAIK there is no built-in function that does that. I have my own custom function for that purpose. It will be interesting to see yours.

07-14-2017, 12:57 PM
I figured as such but I thought I'd give it a shot. Would be nice though.

07-14-2017, 04:33 PM
Unless you just want me to give you a fish, post what you come up with and we can compare.

06-29-2019, 05:49 AM

Function InstrSample4(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Long()
Dim iPos As Long
Dim iPos1 As Long
Dim iPosAll() As Long
Dim iCount As Long

iPos = InStr(1, str1, str2)
iPos1 = iPos
Do While (iPos <> 0)
iCount = iCount + 1
ReDim Preserve iPosAll(1 To iCount)
iPosAll(iCount) = iPos1
str1 = Mid(str1, iPos + Len(str2))
iPos = InStr(1, str1, str2)
iPos1 = iPos1 + Len(str2) + iPos - 1

InstrSample4 = iPosAll()
End Function

Sub test()
Dim str As String
str = "abcabcabcabc"
Dim val
val = InstrSample4(str, "b")
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(val) To UBound(val)
Debug.Print val(i)
End Sub

06-29-2019, 01:30 PM

Yes, that is one way. Here is another:

Sub TestFunction()
Dim strSample As String
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim varRtn
strSample = "abcabcabcabc"
varRtn = fcnGetSubStringPosits(strSample, "b")
If Not IsArrayEmpty(varRtn) Then
For lngIndex = LBound(varRtn) To UBound(varRtn)
Debug.Print varRtn(lngIndex)
Next lngIndex
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Function fcnGetSubStringPosits(strMain As String, strSub As String) As Long()
Dim arrParts() As String
Dim arrPosits() As Long
Dim lngIndex As Long, lngCalc As Long
arrParts = Split(strMain, strSub)
For lngIndex = 0 To UBound(arrParts) - 1
ReDim Preserve arrPosits(lngIndex)
arrPosits(lngIndex) = Len(arrParts(lngIndex)) + 1 + lngCalc
lngCalc = lngCalc + Len(arrParts(lngIndex)) + Len(strSub)
Next lngIndex
fcnGetSubStringPosits = arrPosits
Exit Function
End Function

Public Function IsArrayEmpty(varArray As Variant) As Boolean
Dim lngLB As Long, lngUB As Long
If Not IsArray(varArray) Then
IsArrayEmpty = True
Exit Function
End If
On Error Resume Next
lngUB = UBound(varArray, 1)
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
IsArrayEmpty = True
IsArrayEmpty = False
lngLB = LBound(varArray)
If lngLB > lngUB Then IsArrayEmpty = True
End If
Exit Function
End Function

06-30-2019, 07:49 PM
Just for diversity, I'd do it this way:

Public Sub FindPositionsTest()
Const c_testData As String = "abcdefabcdefaaabbbcccdddeeefffa"
Const c_findIt As String = "bc"

Dim arrayMax As Long
Dim foundAt As Long
Dim positions() As Long
Dim theIndex As Long

' There must be something to find and search
If LenB(c_findIt) = 0 Or LenB(c_testData) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

' Allocate the maximum # of possible find slots
arrayMax = Len(c_testData) \ Len(c_findIt)
ReDim positions(1 To arrayMax)

' Standard find something in something
For theIndex = 1 To arrayMax

' Find what were looking for
foundAt = InStr(foundAt + 1, c_testData, c_findIt)
If foundAt = 0 Then

' Only return those array elements that were assigned values
If theIndex > 1 Then
ReDim Preserve positions(1 To theIndex - 1)
' Do this so that LBound/UBound dont fail
ReDim positions(-1 To -1)
End If

Exit For

' Stash the value
positions(theIndex) = foundAt
End If

' Dump what we found
If UBound(positions) > 0 Then
For theIndex = 1 To UBound(positions)
Debug.Print positions(theIndex)
End If
End Sub

07-08-2019, 07:59 PM
Hi, everyone. Here's the code using regular expression.

Sub test()
Dim Match, Matches
Dim strPattern As String
Dim strTest As String

strTest = "abcabcabcabcabc"
strPattern = "ca"

With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = strPattern
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
Set Matches = .Execute(strTest)
End With

For Each Match In Matches
Debug.Print Match.FirstIndex + 1
End Sub