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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Project Planner Not Working

08-09-2017, 12:34 AM
I have downloaded an impressive project plan tracker from the web, when I inserted new rows in it is not working. I couldn't figure what is going wrong. Like

Line 14 to 20 and given the data in cell E14:I20, it is working fine for above line and giving correct data in K11:AM12, but not giving the same for my newly inserted lines, I have updated the dates and formula in column CG to CI,

Can somebody help me to find out what I am doing wrong.


Bob Phillips
08-09-2017, 01:35 AM
Your dates in rows 15-20 are for year 2016, the lines in 12-14 are for 2017. As the display grid is for 2017, is that not the reason?

Bob Phillips
08-09-2017, 01:37 AM
BTW, your formula look over-engineered to me. The complete formula of

=IF(AND($H11=0,$H11=""),IF(AND($I11<>0,$I11<>""),AND(K$10>=$E11,K$10<=$E11+(ROUNDDOWN(($F11-$E11)*$I11,0)))," "),IF(AND($I11<>0,$I11<>""),AND(K$10>=$G11,K$10<=$G11+(ROUNDDOWN(($H11-$G11)*$I11,0)))," "))

could be more simply written as


08-09-2017, 01:57 AM
xld thanks a lot. I am sorry that I have missed this date mistake, I spent lot of time to figure this out. Problem is resolved. But if you have time need to know two things
1. You are referring to which formula
2. How did this guy make these blue lines worked. What formula or technique did he used? I tried to find but couldn't find any code or else


08-09-2017, 06:50 AM
2. How did this guy make these blue lines worked. What formula or technique did he used? I tried to find but couldn't find any code or else

Some fairly complicated [Conditional Formatting]


08-23-2017, 12:16 PM
Thanks a lot Paul