View Full Version : Content of email from excel

09-09-2017, 08:10 AM
I would like to create a macro to copy the content of a newsletter to Excel.
I receive a daily newsletter with the following structure:
Daily News from Mickey Mouse

10 news today (first row with the exact number of news)

Apples are red
Bananas are yellow
Mosquitos are noisy (rows with headlines of the 10 news)

Apples are red
On the market all the apples are red bla bla bla bla bla...

Bananas are yellow
Experts realized that bananas are yellow bla bla bla bla...

Mosquitos are noisy
Who likes mosquitos flying around ears bla bla bla bla... (details of the 10 news)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^So, this is the content of the mails, always sent from the same address.
I ask if somebody can help me to create a macro to copy the content of each email (it's one every day) from a specific folder (sent from the same sddress) to an Excel sheet, naming it with the date of the day I receive the email.
Can somebody help me?