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View Full Version : Linked tables and Slicer in Excel

09-12-2017, 07:49 AM
Hello everyone and thanks in advance,

I can not create a slicer that filters not only by the main table, too by a secondary table that should be linked with the firts table with a field key that is the reference.

In other words, the main table is the students table with a unique ID that is reference. The secondary table are the classes that each student attends.

I want the Slicer to filter, to which classes each student attends and shows me the student table, only with the students that match the slicer selection of the secondary table. Is this possible?

Basically it would be like doing a select in Access.

I attach example to the post
thanks Juan Carlos

09-12-2017, 09:03 AM
There is nothing in your data that shows which student in attending which class so there is no data to filter!!
One way you might solve the problem I think you are describing is to create a "helper" column which concatenates each student with the name of the classes they are attending, then filtering this for "contains" class name will give you a list of students in that class.

09-12-2017, 10:10 AM
Thank you,
If you download the example you will see that there is a Slice on the left called "clase".
This slice show and filters in Table 2, but this is not what I want, I want that the slicer show the records of Table 2 but show and filter the results in Table 1.
Table 1 and 2 have the same column field called "Referencia"

And this is the problem I do not know how to link and make a slicer with data from table 2 that filter the data in table 1

Thanks again
Juan Carlos