View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Add Number of Times - Loop Array

10-05-2017, 02:09 PM
Add Number of Times - Loop Array

folks good day,

and nice to see all.

I had a idea to space out some text so i wanted to say insert new lines to space out the blocks so i can see them better

Sub Space_Out_Text()

Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim oTargetParagraphs As Variant
Dim xAfterText As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long

Dim oPara As Word.Paragraph

oTargetParagraphs = Array("#MX18", "#JK78") '

xBeforeText = Array(vbNewLine & vbNewLine, vbNewLine & vbNewLine) ' Insert Before

xAfterText = Array(vbNewLine & vbNewLine&vbNewline, vbNewLine & vbNewLine) ' Insert After

For i = 0 To UBound(oTargetParagraphs)
Set oRng = ActiveDocument.Range
j = 0
With oRng.Find

Do While .Execute(FindText:=oTargetParagraphs(i), MatchWholeWord:=True)

If .Found Then
oRng.Expand Unit:=wdParagraph

oRng.Words.First.InsertBefore xBeforeText(i)

oRng.Words.Last.InsertBefore xAfterText(i)

End If
oRng.Collapse 0
End With
Next i
Set oRng = Nothing

End Sub

now if for example i wanted 10 vb lines for an array term, i would hate to have to do this
vbNewLine & vbNewLine &vbNewLine & vbNewLine& vbNewLine & vbNewLine in the array for one target paragraph

that looks very unelegant

is there a better way for me to insert a number of vblines without having to repeat them in the array?

Is there a more efficient way for me to say I want 10 vblines inserted , another term in the array i may want 5 vblines

well its very confusing to explain but i hope i made sense

and thank you

10-05-2017, 03:10 PM
Perhaps something like:

Sub Demo()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim ArrFnd As Variant, ArrP As Variant, ArrS As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, StrP As String, StrS As String
ArrFnd = Array("#MX18", "#JK78", "#AO45", "#BC39")
ArrP = Array(1, 1, 3, 4)
ArrS = Array(1, 1, 2, 2)
With ActiveDocument.Range.Find
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchCase = True
.Format = False
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
For i = 0 To UBound(ArrFnd)
StrP = "": StrS = ""
For j = 1 To ArrP(i)
StrP = StrP & Chr(11)
For j = 1 To ArrS(i)
StrS = StrS & Chr(11)
.Text = ArrFnd(i)
.Replacement.Text = StrP & "^&" & StrS
.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

10-05-2017, 03:30 PM
Hello Paul,

Thanks for that really made my day because I couldn't do it

I tried all sorts of arrays and multidimensional things again and well in the end I just had to copy and paste my VB line 20 times

And I hate having to manually move the text because there was so much of it and
I couldn't find what I was looking for and well I got a bit tired of pasting in the wrong place

Now I can add all the numbers of lines that I need to space out because some bits of text I don't need that much space

But there are other blocks of text that are so condensed that I couldn't see
so those ones need a lot of space so I can now say i want 10 lines without having to make too much of a mess of the text

And when I'm done I can just delete all the empty lines and hey presto it's back to how it was without anyone knowing that I messed too much with the text :grinhalo: well i am a bit clumsy

Well that was the fastest writing code and a new skill that I learnt - to make 3 arrays now

its my new shiny toy thanks so much

Paul and hope you have a great day!!

and forum too