View Full Version : VBA Code error on blank values (runtime 94)

10-11-2017, 04:15 AM

I have a piece of VBA code that will take the data from my source table and split the rows into my destination table based on rules regarding 2 date fields in the source table.

However if any field is empty in the source table it errors out and i need the code to work when values are empty as there will be times when it is.

Public Function SplitData()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Dim ref As String
Dim lineId As Long
Dim sales As String
Dim customer As String
Dim startDt As Date
Dim endDt As Date
Dim priCon As String
Dim brFam As String
Dim prdPlat As String
Dim prdType As String
Dim prdName As String
Dim units As String
Dim amount As Currency
Dim conMonth As String
Dim custConDt As Date
Dim amtCur As String
Dim navID As String
Dim vat As String
Dim InvoiceNo As String

'Define Instalments information for 2nd dataset loop once date split is in dest Table

Dim NumOfInstalments As String
Dim InstallmentPostingDate As String
Dim Installment1 As Currency
Dim InstalmentDD1 As Date

Dim wStartDt As Date
Dim wEndDt As Date
Dim nStartDt As Date
Dim nEndDt As Date
Dim nAmount As Currency
Dim lastOne As Boolean
Dim totDays As Long
Dim monDays As Long
Dim monAmt As Currency
Dim runAmt As Currency

Dim strSQL As String

' Open up query in recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qrySourceTable", dbOpenDynaset) 'enter your query name

' Loop through recordset
Do While Not rst.EOF
' Capture record values
ref = rst!Reference
lineId = rst![Line ID]
sales = rst![Sales Person]
customer = rst!customer
startDt = rst![Start Date]
endDt = rst![End Date]
priCon = rst![Primary Contact]
brFam = rst![Brand Family]
prdPlat = rst![Product Platform]
prdType = rst![Product Type]
prdName = rst![Product Name]
units = rst![Unit of Measure]
amount = rst!amount
conMonth = rst![Contract Month]
custConDt = rst![Customer Contract Date]
amtCur = rst![Amount Currency]
navID = rst![Navision ID]
vat = rst![VAT Rate]
InvoiceNum = rst![Invoice Number]
NumOfInstalments = rst![Number of Installment Invoices]
InstallmentPostingDate = rst![Installment Posting Date]
Installment1 = rst![Instalment 1]
InstalmentDD1 = rst![Instalment 1 Due Date]

' Initialize counter
lastOne = False
wStartDt = startDt
wEndDt = EOMDate(startDt)
runAmt = 0

' Capture total number of days
totDays = endDt - startDt + 1

' Loop through records

' Check to see if end date is after end of month, and set dates
If endDt > wEndDt Then
nStartDt = wStartDt
nEndDt = wEndDt
nStartDt = wStartDt
nEndDt = endDt
lastOne = True
End If

' Calculate monthly days & monthly amount
monDays = nEndDt - nStartDt + 1
' Calculate monthly amount and running amount
If lastOne Then
nAmount = amount - runAmt
nAmount = Round(amount * monDays / totDays, 2)
runAmt = runAmt + nAmount
End If

' Build SQL query to insert new record
strSQL = "INSERT INTO DestTable ( Reference, [Line ID], [Sales Person], Customer, [Start Date], [End Date], [Primary Contact], [Brand Family], [Product Platform], "
strSQL = strSQL & "[Product Type], [Product Name], [Unit of Measure], Amount, [Contract Month], [Customer Contract Date], [Amount Currency], [Navision ID],[VAT Rate],[Invoice Number],[Number of Installment Invoices],[Installment Posting Date],[Instalment 1],[Instalment 1 Due Date]) "
strSQL = strSQL & "VALUES ('" & ref & "', " & lineId & ", '" & sales & "', '" & customer & "', #" & Format(nStartDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, #" & Format(nEndDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, '"
strSQL = strSQL & priCon & "', '" & brFam & "', '" & prdPlat & "', '" & prdType & "', '" & prdName & "', '" & units & "', " & nAmount & ", '"
strSQL = strSQL & conMonth & "', #" & Format(custConDt, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & "#, '" & amtCur & "', '" & navID & "', '" & vat & "', '" & InvoiceNum & "', '" & NumOfInstalments & "', '" & InstallmentPostingDate & "', '" & Installment1 & "', '" & InstalmentDD1 & "')"
' Run SQL
'MsgBox strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' Increment dates for next round
wStartDt = BOMDate(wEndDt + 1)
wEndDt = EOMDate(wStartDt)

Loop Until lastOne = True

' Move to next record


' Close recordset

End Function

Function BOMDate(inputDate) As Date
' Returns the beginning of month date for any inputted date
BOMDate = DateSerial(Year(inputDate), Month(inputDate), 1)
End Function

Function EOMDate(inputDate) As Date
' Returns the end of month date for any inputted date
EOMDate = DateSerial(Year(inputDate), Month(inputDate) + 1, 0)
End Function

I receive a 'Run-time error '94' invalid use of null when i try to execute the code.

Can this code be changed to accept blank values from the 'data' table?


10-11-2017, 07:01 AM
The simple answer ys yes, however you are conducting so many data field transfers it is going to take some major re-programming.
It would be simpler to ensure that there are no Null values in the table.
ie ensure the default for Numeric fields is Zero and for Text fields something like "-", thst would only leave date fields to contend with.
Currently you need to add an "is Null" test to every field, this could incorporate the NZ function as well, in fact you could create a query with the NZ functions in and use that as the recordset.
The standard test looks like this
If not is null(rst!Reference) then ref = rst!Reference

You could also give the object field a value like this
If not is null(rst!Reference) then
ref = rst!Reference
ref = "0"' or something meaningful
end if

10-13-2017, 07:51 AM

Thank you for the reply - i managed to fix this with the NZ function.
