View Full Version : Easiest Way To Build Currency Converter

11-21-2005, 08:00 AM
I need to build a currency exchange converter thingy (technical term :) )

Basically, if it comes into us as Euro, we need to convert that to American.

My basic plan is to have a "data" sheet which holds the conversion rate, and then the main sheet just holds the formula and calls that rate.

In my mind, that appears to be the most simple way to do this. Has anybody come up with a more robust way?

11-21-2005, 10:11 AM
Hi Tony,

A question. Do you plan on entering the rate manually every time it changes? If so then you could use this formula in the main sheet to convert:

=A1*Data!$A$1 and copy down (where Data!A1 holds the currect rate of exchange)

07-30-2007, 02:47 AM
Hi Tony,

Even I have a similar idea in mind. I plan to form a Expense Template for my staff which will help them track the cost of the project. But I am looking for a Automatic Refresh of Information to have the current data

Bob Phillips
07-30-2007, 03:41 AM
It is irrelevant if you intend to update the exchange rates manually or auto-feed them, as long as they are there.

Assuming you have an exchange rate table with the currency codes in one column (say A) and the rates in the next , in a tebale called ExchangeRates, then all you need assuming the value is in A1, currency to convert to in B1 is


if you want to convert both ways or say EUR to GBP, then it gets more complex (but not complicated).

07-30-2007, 04:07 PM
Based on the gettables thing of Norie, some code of a couple other guys/gals and some coding of myself, I created this utility. Maybe you can modify it to suit your needs (let me know if you find a better way). It will fetch the daily exchange rates of some money units.

You must have an active internet connection (LAN/ CABLE/ ...).

And there is no error checking.