View Full Version : Create custom TOC with three columns

11-05-2017, 12:26 AM
I want to know if it is possible to create a custom TOC in word 2010 which has three columns. The first column of the TOC should contain the serial no. (Sl No.), the second column contains the headings and the third column contains the page number. Basically i want the TOC to be in a table format.


11-05-2017, 04:15 AM
Unless your document has headings with the serial # & heading text suitably laid out, no.

11-05-2017, 05:08 AM
Hi Paul
My document has headings with serial #. I have also tried out the automatic table of contents in word which is working fine. But I want a different structure/format for the table of contents , which should be a three column table format (First column: sl #, 2nd column: Heading & 3rd column: Page number) as i specified in the earlier thread. Can you pls explain how to make the custom TOC.


11-05-2017, 12:49 PM
In that case, all you should need to do is insert a tab between the serial # & text in the heading (perhaps with a suitably-positioned tab-stop there) and a suitably-positioned tab-stop in your Table of Contents.