View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Enable and disable calculations for a range of cells

12-27-2017, 09:36 AM
I am looking for some help making VBA code that will turn off calculations (.EnableCalculations) for a range of cells J9:DG9 based on what is in cell B9. (L to disable the calculation and blank to enable calculations)
I also would like to repeat this for cell B10 thru B500.

I have a spread sheet that is using Indirect.EXT to access data from currently 289 closed workbooks with 102 cells per workbook or 29,478 cells of data. What i am hoping to achieve is once the data is received and i disable the caclulations for the range of cells it will lock the value in the cells and will eventually speed up the calculation speed of the workbook and when opening the workbook.

Thank you in advance!!

12-27-2017, 09:42 AM
You can't turn off calculations for a range. You can disable it for a sheet, or the application. Based on the (to me horrendous) setup you have described, I'd seriously think about completely redesigning whatever you have.