View Full Version : Mail digest every x minutes

01-04-2018, 08:22 AM
Hi all.
Hope someone can help me out. Having a hard time with my mails. I receive a lot throughout the day. I need notifications on so I can see whats coming in. However I have worked out I just need to see what has come in over the past hour, and not every mail as they drop.
Considering this, anyone know of or able to think up a piece of script that will start at Outlook startup and check the inbox every x minutes, returning a list of new items within that period? Ideally a list that you could then click on the item to open the item in a new window.
The idea is to turn off the instant notification and only be notified every hour or so, so I am not constantly interrupted by incoming and getting sidetracked by "that more important mail" that arrived.
Help greatly appreciated.