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View Full Version : I want to make change in data model in manage data model of powerpivot by vba code

05-28-2018, 05:03 AM
I am writing a code to create pivot table, i recorded a macro that create a pivot table but the change i make with manage data model are not recorded, so i have to make changes in data model manually in powerpivot manage data model, then again i recorded the rest of what a pivot table does.
so i want a way to make changes in data model in VBA

05-28-2018, 06:51 AM
Create a workbook with three sheets; "Existing," Desired," and "PivotTable," to show us the Data Models

Use the "Go Advanced" button, and at the bottom of that page, the "Manage Attachments" button to upload that workbook.

05-28-2018, 07:35 AM
I have attached file
the first sheet existing
the second sheet desired with pivot table
In manage data model i have added CaculatedColumn with formula =[Award]>0
The adding of this column is not recorded in record macro of excel
I want to add this column by VBA