View Full Version : HELP - The value you entered isn't valid for this field

06-01-2018, 06:32 AM
Hi all,

I have a form with a list of items and when you double click on the item, it copies to a subform. Everything works fine but I added to some of the taks a combo box and when the list related to the combo box is selected, I get error message: " The value you entered isn't valid for this field ". I haven't touched the VBA code just added the code for combo box. This is the code:

Private Sub List_task_Click() 'fills the taskname list box depending on colorblock selection

block.Visible = False

If cmb_freq.Value = "monthly" And List_task.Value = "blue" Then

block.Visible = True
strsql = "Select distinct comment from dailytask where Frequency = [Form]!cmb_freq.value and Color = [Form]!List_task.Value"
block.RowSource = strsql

block.Visible = False
strsql = "SELECT ID, TaskName FROM Dailytask WHERE Frequency = [Form]!cmb_freq.value and Color = [Form]!List_task.Value"
list_taskcolor.RowSource = strsql
list_taskcolor.ForeColor = black

End If

End Sub

Private Sub block_Change() 'show the combo box if the tasks belong to a block - THIS IS THE NEW CODE -

Dim strsql As String

strsql = "Select IDTaskName, TaskName from Dailytask where comment = ([form]!block.value)"
list_taskcolor.RowSource = strsql
list_taskcolor.ForeColor = black

End Sub

Private Sub list_taskcolor_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) 'add the list to the subform

[Dailytask_subform]!IDTaskName = list_taskcolor.Column(0)

End Sub

Any ideas or work arounds are really appreciated

06-01-2018, 01:14 PM
That kind of message is usually related to a Combo having it's "limit to list" property set to Yes.
Or as a field there is a Validation Rule set.
The other possibility is that the block value you are trying to pass to the combo is text and the Combo is actually storing Numeric Values.

06-01-2018, 04:32 PM
Thank you for your prompt response. I'll check the combo settings because the other options without the combo, work perfectly.