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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Create timeline in Excel with several phases on single row and only 2 input dates

07-02-2018, 01:21 PM
Hi Boys & Girls,

today I have spent a few hours on one task to help my friend and I still canīt find a solution :(

The aim of this task is to create a timeline which will consist of 6 phases in a single row independent to each other in this order:

1. design phase (takes 2 weeks)
2. selection of supplier (takes 1 week)
3. order (takes 2 weeks)
4. construction start date - can be selected in cell (in attached picture - column "B:B") - during until the inslatation start date
5. instalation start date - can be selected in cell (in attached picture - column "C:C") - during 1 week
6. decoration takes from the end of instalation end until "opening house"

By selecting only 2 dates "construction start date" and "instalation start date" automatically adjust the rest of the timeline.
Timeline is between 2 selected dates in calendar weeks "CW" - (start date; final date - you can imagine as "opening house")

There must be also some conditions:

a) the construction start date must not be "larger" than instalation start date
b) the intervals in weeks for points 1;2;3;6 are fixed
c) if the construction start date was choosen too early and there is no time for previous phases, show "error" msgbox

My solution was very simple and not perfect.. I used only functions If, And and conditional formating to highlight colours in timeline.. but I could not find a solution how to add phases before construction date and set conditions in VBA..

I will be very gratefull for some advice. :):)