View Full Version : Saving all Attachments from Folders incl Subfolders

07-17-2018, 06:05 AM
Hi All,

I have always used a macro that saved my attachments one by one, but lately it has really gone out of hand, and I would have to add over 1000 attachments by hand to my various folders (and subfolders) on my harddrive. My macro also had it's own problems, as even though I had specified a strPath to a valid location, it didn't work. I can also post this if it would help.
Also, because there are a lot of subfolders that need to have the mails attached, it isn't viable to use one that can do multipe mails together, as I would still have to perform it ~100 times to get all attachments in the right subfolders.

I have found some macros online that recreate the whole folder structure on my harddrive and save the full mail there, but I am looking for something that saves only the attachment instead of the whole mail.

my goal:

- Recreate the folder structure as I have it in Outlook (I already have the folder structure on my harddrive, but sometimes the names differ slightly).
- Save the Attachment
- Edit the mail so it shows a link to the saved location
- Delete the Attachment
- Keep the mail (so I can still view them on my mobile phone if needed)

If needed, I can post both the macro I used previously (which doesn't really seem to work for multiple files), as well as the macro that save the whole email (which works perfectly, but doesn't really solve my needs). As they are both fairly substantial, I won't post them immediately (~100 lines and 200 lines respectively)

thanks a lot in advance!