View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] User Form how add additional boxes and dropdown boxes with a command Button?

08-09-2018, 01:49 PM

I have created several user forms, and there is always a new challenging requirement that will slow me down a lot. I need your help!
The user form has a drop box for "Job Title", to the right a box for "Rate". I use a Vlookup to populate the rate base on the job title selection.

I need a command button that will duplicate the dropbox, box and vlookup formula, everytime the button is pressed.

Greatly appreciate your help,

08-11-2018, 07:21 PM
What do you mean :
a command button that will duplicate the dropbox, box and vlookup formula

Bob Phillips
08-12-2018, 02:12 PM
Whatever reason can you have to duplicate the dropbox, you will end up with dozens of the things and it will become unusable.