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View Full Version : VBA program to find the number 15

mike scooter
08-16-2018, 07:12 AM

I’m trying to develop a small VBA program (not a formula) to help find the number 15 in a set of numbers. I’m using Excel 2010, Windows 7 software. I'm learning VBA but have a long way to go and sure would appreciate any help to get me started on this one.


I need a program to find any pairs of numbers that has a 15 (could be more than one in the range of numbers) in the last number (eg. 8-15 or 1-15) in the specific following cells B30,E30,H30,K30,N30 (these are just example cells, the list is a long one but I can enter after). If there are NO positive result end the program.

08-16-2018, 01:24 PM
Could you be more specific as to the case you are trying to find?

Does the cell have only a 15, or do you want a 1 and a 5 next to eachother? EX: 4156 (would this pass?)

Also, what do you want it to do once it finds it?

mike scooter
08-16-2018, 02:34 PM
The 15 is part of a set of numbers such as 1-15 or 10-15 etc.4156 as you mention would not exist, As to what happens when it finds a 15 is a little complicated but I was going to try and solve it but if you can assist that would be great. Even getting me started would be wonderful and let me know if below needs more clarification Thanks for you response.

Here's the rest:

If it finds a 15 see below:

1- As an example cell B30 contains “8-15” and the adjacent cell C30 contain the number 2.20.

Beside each of the above search cells, each cell has an adjacent cell as follows: C30, F30, I30, L30. O30 which contain numbers. In a positive result only, the numbers in these cells must be divided equally by 12 (rounding up). The only issue is the amount to be divided can not exceed 12.00 (after 12.00 see below). Up to 12.00 it would be divided (by 1 in this case) and the amount would be moved to the following cells (add to any existing amount in the cell): A36,D36,G36,J36,M36,Q36,A40,D40G40,J40,M40,O40.

The program would then move any excess over 12.00 via referencing the first number (of the set) in cell B30 (8 in this example) and search the following 12 cells to find 8:

1 is located in cell A35, place the EXCESS number in cell A36
2 is located in cell D35, place the EXCESS number in cell D36
3 is located in cell G35, place the EXCESS number in cell G36
4 is located in cell J35, place the EXCESS number in cell J36
5 is located in cell M35, place the EXCESS number in cell M36
6 is located in cell Q35, place the EXCESS number in cell Q36
7 is located in cell A39, place the EXCESS number in cell A40
8 is located in cell D39, place the EXCESS number in cell D40
9 is located in cell G39, place the EXCESS number in cell G40
10 is located in cell J39, place the EXCESS number in cell J40
11 is located in cell M39, place the EXCESS number in cell M40
12 is located in cell O39, place the EXCESS number in cell O40

The correct cell for 8-15 it in D39. The program would then put the EXCESS number in the cell below D40 in this case.

After this operation there are no contents in cell C30.

08-16-2018, 10:07 PM
The font size and not bold were fine in Post #1

08-17-2018, 05:10 AM
Okay, so what I am gathering is that each cell contains the LITERAL string "1-15" (for example), not "1, 2, 3... etc." or anything like that, correct?

You say that the adjacent cells must be divided equally by 12, but the number itself cannot be above 12? That would certainly leave a decimal, is that your intention? I.E your example: (2.20/12) = 1.83̅3̅3̅ (rounded to what decimal place)

Then you say:

Up to 12.00 it would be divided (by 1 in this case)

What exactly do you mean, isnt it supposed to be divided by 12?

It would be VERY helpful to have a sample workbook, commented with intended results (examples)

I'd be glad to help after some clarification!

mike scooter
08-18-2018, 06:20 AM
Okay, this took longer than I thought. I added some more detail in my notes, To answer your above question each cell may or may not contain any number combination from 1-15 to 12-15 (starting at 1, last digit, to a maximum of 15, eg. 7-10, 4-1, 10-9 etc). I added some more notes below to help clarify my objectives. I have also included a sample Excel spreadsheet. Thank-you again for your help.

1) I need a program to find any pairs of numbers that has a 15 (could be more than one in range of numbers) in the last number (eg. 8-15 or 1-15) in the following cells B30,E30,H30,K30,N30. If there is NO positive result end the program.

If it finds a 15 two things must happen:

1- As an example, for below, cell B30 contains the number set 8-15 and the adjacent cell C30 contain the number 15.00.

Beside each of the above search cells, each cell has an adjacent cell as follows: C30, F30, I30, L30. O30 which contain numbers. In a positive result only, the numbers in these cells must be divided equally by 12 (2 decimal places, rounding up). The only issue is the amount to be divided can not exceed 12.00 (after 12.00 see below). Up to 12.00 it would be divided by 12 and the amount would be moved to the following cells (added to any existing amount in the cell already, for this example there was no amount in the cells): A36,D36,G36,J36,M36,Q36,A40,D40G40,J40,M40,O40. So in my above example C30, 15.00 would be divided by first dividing 12 (the max) into 12 which equals 1.00 and the remaing 3 would be moved to move the excess over 12.00 via referencing the first number (of the set) in cell B30 (8 in this example) and search the following 12 cells to find 8:

1 is located in cell A35, place the EXCESS number in cell A36
2 is located in cell D35, place the EXCESS number in cell D36
3 is located in cell G35, place the EXCESS number in cell G36
4 is located in cell J35, place the EXCESS number in cell J36
5 is located in cell M35, place the EXCESS number in cell M36
6 is located in cell Q35, place the EXCESS number in cell Q36
7 is located in cell A39, place the EXCESS number in cell A40
8 is located in cell D39, place the EXCESS number in cell D40
9 is located in cell G39, place the EXCESS number in cell G40
10 is located in cell J39, place the EXCESS number in cell J40
11 is located in cell M39, place the EXCESS number in cell M40
12 is located in cell O39, place the EXCESS number in cell O40

The correct cell for 8-15 it in D39. The program would then put the EXCESS number, 3.00 in this example, in the cell below D40 in this case.

After this operation there are no contents in cell C30.

2- After a 15 positive result I also need the program to reference the following number in the following 5 cells:

Cell B30 would reference cell B32 for the number 1
Cell E30 would reference cell B32 for the number 2
Cell H30 would reference cell B32 for the number 3
Cell K30 would reference cell B32 for the number 4
Cell N30 would reference cell B32 for the number 5

Using example B30 the reference number is 1 so the program would search the range in column D1:D12 (see below) for the number 1 and move the set of numbers to the adjunct cell (see below) and increase the last digit, so it would become 8-16 in cell number E1, in this example. After this operation there are no contents in cell B30.

D1 = 1 adjacent cell E1
D2 = 2 adjacent cell E2
D3 = 3 adjacent cell E3
D4 = 4 adjacent cell E4
D5 = 5 adjacent cell E5
D6 = 6 adjacent cell E6
D7 = 7 adjacent cell E7
D8 = 8 adjacent cell E8
D9 = 9 adjacent cell E9
D10 = 10 adjacent cell E10
D11 = 11 adjacent cell E11
D12 = 12 adjacent cell E12

That’s the end of the program. The above is an example and if anything is not clear please allow me to assist you.