View Full Version : [SOLVED:] How to Get Array Length...

09-14-2018, 01:10 AM
I have following text, in Excel in D5 Cell

VB933 + VB19 + BB3

I am not able to get the length of Array; for example, I should get 3 on the sample text for VB933, VB19 & BB3
Not able to get the length of the array using Array.Length; can someone please help!

many thanks

Function SplitValue(ByVal myMCode As String)

SplitValue = myMCode

' Remove Blank Spaces
Dim myMCode2 As String
myMCode2 = Replace(myMCode, " ", "")

Dim mytext() As String
mytext() = Split(myMCode2, "+")

Dim myMCodeNos As Integer
myMCodeNos = mytext.Length

'SplitValue = mytext(1)
' SplitValue = myMCode2
SplitValue = myMCodeNos

End Function

09-14-2018, 01:48 AM
Ubound (mytext)
should do it. You may have to add 1 because the array might be zero based.

09-14-2018, 03:09 AM
Many thanks P45Cal; works fine now..

I am using split function for "+", but for a string with "+" at the end, it returns me an extra array item.

For eg: VB933 + VB19 + BB3 +

text(0) = VB933
text(1) = VB19
text(2) = BB3
text(3) = +

Is it possible to remove the array Item containing split character "+"?

Many thanks..

09-14-2018, 07:07 AM
Try this

ReDim Preserve text(LBound(text) to Ubound(text)-1)

(Not tested)

09-14-2018, 07:39 AM
If '+' is the splitting character, no array item can contain a '+'




sn=filter(split(c00 & "~","+"),"~",0)

09-14-2018, 07:53 AM
text(3) = +
That would surpise me a lot, since splitting, as you have, with '+' should eliminate all '+' characters from the result, it is after all the delimiter.
You might end up with a final "" as the last member of the array.
One way is to test your string for that final '+' character and if present remove it, then do your split:
If Right(myMCode2, 1) = "+" Then myMCode2 = Left(myMCode2, Len(myMCode2) - 1)

ps. Here's a way you might end up with that final "+" in the last member of the array, but it's contrived:
Z = "VB933 + VB19 + BB3 ++"
Z = Replace(Z, " ", "")
y = Split(Z, "+", 4)

09-17-2018, 01:36 AM
Thank you all for your time and responses.. Much appreciated..

09-17-2018, 01:41 AM
Hi P45Cal,

Not sure where I have gone wrong.

Following text in a cell :

VB933 + VB19 + BB3 + AAN +

returns 5 Codes instead of 4 (counting text - VB933, VB19, BB3 & AAN), when the string is split using "+"

my sample code

Function SplitValue(ByVal myMCode As String)

' Remove Blank Spaces
Dim myMCode2 As String
myMCode2 = Replace(myMCode, " ", "")

Dim myTextArr() As String
myTextArr() = Split(myMCode2, "+")

Dim myMCodeNos As Integer
myMCodeNos = UBound(myTextArr)

ReDim myTextArr(mycodenos)
SplitValue = myMCodeNos + 1

End Function


09-17-2018, 06:30 AM
SplitValue2 is an alternative function

Option Explicit

Sub drv()
MsgBox = SplitValue2(Range("A1"))
End Sub

Function SplitValue2(ByVal myMCode As String) As Long
Dim myMCode2 As String
Dim myTextArr As Variant

myMCode2 = Trim(myMCode)

If Right(myMCode2, 1) = "+" Then myMCode2 = Left(myMCode2, Len(myMCode2) - 1)

myTextArr = Split(myMCode2, "+")

SplitValue2 = UBound(myTextArr) - LBound(myTextArr) + 1
End Function

Function SplitValue(ByVal myMCode As String) As Long

' Remove Blank Spaces
Dim myMCode2 As String
myMCode2 = Replace(myMCode, " ", "") ' if all you want is the length and seperated by +, then no need

Dim myTextArr() As String
myTextArr() = Split(myMCode2, "+")

Dim myMCodeNos As Integer
myMCodeNos = UBound(myTextArr)

ReDim myTextArr(myMCodeNos) ' <<<<< had a typo
SplitValue = myMCodeNos + 1
End Function

09-17-2018, 10:25 PM
Many thanks for your response Paul.

Was actually wondering why the split function is returning a "+" at the end; not sure if this VBA bug or some issue with my code.


09-18-2018, 07:23 AM
Many thanks for your response Paul.

Was actually wondering why the split function is returning a "+" at the end; not sure if this VBA bug or some issue with my code.



No, VBA is working correctly and the only thing wrong with your code is not handling the implied empty part after the last "+", the '4' below

0 - 1

1 - 2

2 - 3

3 - 4

09-24-2018, 10:03 PM
Many thanks Paul, it has been great help...