View Full Version : Add New Column & Formula & Bold Indicated Value after Last Column

09-25-2018, 01:37 AM
Hi, there

Would you please help to write VBA for adding New Columns with the Formula after Last Column?

The New Columns need to state Remark 1 & Remark 2 as the header.

The formula of Remark 1 : Find Column Header - Crr Dt and select all date below Crr Dt to calculate = "Crr Dt - Today()" &

The formula of Remark 2 : Find Column Header - New C Dt and Crr Dt - select all date to calculate = "New C Dt - Crr Dt".

When the value of Remark 1 is equal to 30 or less than 30, automatically bold the value. When the value of Remark 2 is greater than 3 or less than -3, automatically bold the value.

Please note that the Header Name will be same for each workbook but the Column Sequence will not be same. Hence, kindly help to retrieve data under Header.

Enclosed the attachment for your reviewing.:help