View Full Version : Combine rows if there is a blank cell under column A

James Niven
10-15-2018, 02:20 AM
Hi Group, I am looking for some assistance here.

If you look at my file attached, you will see a tab, page 10, this is the finaloutcome of my macro.
On Page 11 & 12, this is the raw data, I want to create a macro to do thesame as page 10 tab.

I have the macro working to a point if you run it, you will see what I mean. I am not too sure how to proceed with the next steps.
After the macro is run, under column I there is a second row that I want tomerge with the row above if column A is blank, there are times this many not just be 1 row, it varies.
Under column F there is sometimes a city and province on a separate row and these are separated by a commas, these each need to go up a row and under Column G and H.

Then, under column L, the “Mar18” will need to move up in line, then the blank row(s) can be deleted. Can someone assist me please?

Thank you!

James Niven
10-15-2018, 03:06 PM
Can anyone offer assistance please?