View Full Version : COMBOBOX Change code not working properly

10-25-2018, 11:45 PM
Hello Excel experts,

Please help: pray2:: pray2::help:help. I cannot figure out the causes of problems from below codes.

When I open the worksheet it does not automatically execute below codes, so I need to go to the other sheet15(Prj.DBase) and then go back to the working sheet14(Projects) for the codes to be executed.

Another problem I have noticed was when i change any of the values from the two comboboxes (PjCustBox & PDevBox) the program will execute normally on what i wanted it to be. However when I clicked on the other sheet and go back again, the codes will not run as I have expected. The combobox(PDevBox) will display "device name" which was the header of the tranposed list at Sheet(Prj.DBase) and the combobox(PjCustBox), the sheet14.Range("F1").value will erase the current value. I tried to execute each line individually to debug the problem but still I cannot solve the problem.

I attached the captured of my work.
I cannot attached the whole file because of the size restriction.

Summary of Problems:
1. The Program does not run automatically upon opening.
2. When changing to another sheet and going back to the working sheet the comboboxes is not working properly.

Working CODES

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

Dim i As Integer
Dim LRow As Integer

With Sheet15

If Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = False Then

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = True

'Erasing previous data

'Transposing Details for vertical filter
.Range("G59").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , True, True
LRow = .Range("G" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("G59:G" & LRow).AdvancedFilter xlFilterCopy, , .Range("D34"), True

'Assign dynamic combobox list (PjCustBox)
PjCustBox.Value = .Range("D34").Value
For i = 34 To .Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
PjCustBox.AddItem .Range("D" & i).Value
Next i

End If

Sheet14.Range("F1").Value = PjCustBox.Value

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = False

End With

End Sub


Private Sub PjCustBox_Change()

Dim LDevName As Integer
Dim n As Integer

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With Sheet15
If Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = False Then

Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = True
Sheet14.Range("F1").Value = PjCustBox.Value

'Filtering device lists as per customer
.Range("G58:I58").AutoFilter 1, Sheet14.Range("F1").Value
LDevName = .Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
.Range("H59" & ":H" & LDevName).Copy
.Range("E34").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, , True, False

'Assign dynamic combobox list (PDevBox)
PDevBox.Value = .Range("E34").Value
For n = 34 To .Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
PDevBox.AddItem Sheet15.Range("E" & n).Value
Next n

Sheet14.Range("F1").Value = PjCustBox.Value
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Sheet14.Range("A4").Value = False

End With

End Sub


Private Sub PDevBox_Change()

Dim n As Long
Dim b As Integer
Dim sh As Worksheet
Dim LRowA As Integer
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Projects")

Sheet14.Range("F2").Value = PDevBox.Value

With Sheet15

If sh.Range("F2").Value <> Empty Then
n = Application.Match(sh.Range("F2").Value, .Range("C3:FN3"), 0)

'Device Information
sh.Range("P7").Value = .Cells(6, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P8").Value = .Cells(7, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P9").Value = .Cells(8, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P10").Value = .Cells(9, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P11").Value = .Cells(10, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P12").Value = .Cells(11, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P13").Value = .Cells(12, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P14").Value = .Cells(13, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P15").Value = .Cells(14, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P16").Value = .Cells(15, n + 2).Value
'Bill of Materials
sh.Range("P19").Value = .Cells(16, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W19").Value = .Cells(17, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P20").Value = .Cells(18, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W20").Value = .Cells(19, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P21").Value = .Cells(20, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W21").Value = .Cells(21, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P22").Value = .Cells(22, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W22").Value = .Cells(23, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P23").Value = .Cells(24, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W23").Value = .Cells(25, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P24").Value = .Cells(26, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W24").Value = .Cells(27, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P25").Value = .Cells(28, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W25").Value = .Cells(29, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("P26").Value = .Cells(30, n + 2).Value
sh.Range("W26").Value = .Cells(31, n + 2).Value
'Product Life Stage
sh.Range("J25").Value = .Cells(32, n + 2).Value

End If

End With

End Sub


Eric M.