View Full Version : XML substitution of values

11-07-2018, 01:23 AM
Dear all,

I'm currently working on a VBA tool in which I would like to generate multiple duplicates of the same XML-files. The aim is to replace some values each time a new XML-file is created. These files serve then in a later stage to call another software programme.

However, I faced some problems with the unicode type of strings. My current code is given below.
First I'm reading the base XML-file in the DO-loop into 'sin', afterwards I search for the location of the value of the particular variables I want to change. These values are always written between double quotes, so I would like to change everything in between the double quotes.

However, the current results returns a lot of useless symbols. I'm sure there must exist a more efficient way to deal with this, anyone who could help me out?



Sub ParseVarValues(XmlFile_IN As String, XmlFile_OUT As String)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, Index1 As Integer, Index2 As Integer, Index3 As Integer, Index4 As Integer
Dim sin As String, sout As String, line As String, ToReplace As String
Dim fin As Object, fout As Object

Set fin = fs.OpenTextFile(XmlFile_IN, ForReading, TristateUseDefault)
sin = ""

line = fin.Read(1)
sin = sin + line
Loop Until fin.AtEndOfStream


For i = 1 To VarTotal
Index1 = InStr(1, sin, StrConv("p0 v=" & Chr(34) & VarName(i), vbUnicode)) 'Search the section about the particular variable
Index2 = InStr(Index1 + 1, sin, StrConv("p0 v=", vbUnicode)) 'Search the starting index of the place where the value is specified
Index3 = InStr(Index2 + 1, sin, StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode)) 'Search the starting index of the place where the value is specified
Index4 = InStr(Index3 + 1, sin, StrConv(Chr(34), vbUnicode)) 'Search the ending index of the place where the value is specified

ToReplace = Mid(sin, Index3 + 2, Index4 - Index3 - 1) 'Double qoute takes to indices in unicode
sout = Left(sin, Index3 + 1) & Replace(ToReplace, ToReplace, StrConv(VarValue(i), vbUnicode)) & Right(sin, Len(sin) - (Index4 - 2))
Next i

Set fout = fs.CreateTextFile(XmlFile_OUT, True, False) 'overwrite if the file already exists and no unicode
fout.Write (sout)

End Sub

Example of the original and the result in attachment: Input.xml and Output.xml.002

11-07-2018, 09:42 AM
Can you upload sample of your files?

11-08-2018, 12:21 AM
Can you upload sample of your files?

The VBA-code and input&output XML-file in attachment.
