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View Full Version : 1004 error on delete picture on mouseover VBA

11-15-2018, 10:44 AM
I've got a simple code I use to delete a created picture before which was triggered by mouseover. The following code uses the same method as Show_MouseOver but it's deleting the passed object - lets name it Hide_MouseOver.

PublicFunction Reset(Friendlyname AsString)
If DoOnce Then

Application.ScreenUpdating =False
DoOnce =False

Dim URL AsString
Dim Pict
Dim drOBJ

Set drOBJ = ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects
ForEach Pict In drOBJ
If Pict.Name = Friendlyname Then
Application.ScreenUpdating =True
It's working easy and good. However the problem I discovered stays like that:
1) I have multiple Show/Hide icons triggering creation and deletion of different pictures from the local disk
2) If user triggers Show of 1 picture and ALSO TRIGGERS Show of 2 picture WITHOUT triggering Hide of 1 picture, The HIDE of picture 1 will not work after that and trigger 1004 error - Unable to get the name property of picture class.
I can't really find out what is the problem with that because each of my hide icons has separate code to hide specific picture and since the name of picture is set when it's shown I don't understand why Excel return an error on it. F.E. the hide object:

PrivateSub RegBubbles_hide_MouseMove(ByVal Button AsInteger,ByVal Shift AsInteger,ByVal X AsSingle,ByVal Y AsSingle)
Reset ("RegBubbles")

11-15-2018, 11:24 AM
Nvm. Solved by working with ActiveSheet.Shapes instead of DrawingObjects.