View Full Version : Extracting mail information to an excel sheet

11-22-2018, 07:04 AM
Hello all,

First of all, I am new to this forum and had searched for a similar topic but was not able to find one.
I am a Robotics Processing Automation Developer (RPA) and I have an issue with treating receiving emails directly with RPA.
That's why I need a macro in Outlook as a workaround that does the following (and I have no VBA experience - so any help is appreciated):

- extract the body of the mail
- extract the sender of the mail
- extract the subject of the mail
- extract the attachment names of the mail
- extract the attachments and store them in a folder that is mentioned in a substring of the subject (i might be able to do it in RPA - but if it can be done in VBA then its better)

and store all this information in an excel template

Happy to hear your ideas or see a sample code - and again any help is appreciated.

Kind regards