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View Full Version : Lock and unlock lines in worksheet based on usrname

12-10-2018, 06:34 AM

I have shared workbook in witch multiple users are creating new lines whit data.
I want to make VBA code that is allowing only to specific user to be able to change cells in the line of witch one of the cells is having his name.
Excel have similar function build in but its working only if you don't add new lines.

Thank You!

12-12-2018, 02:08 AM
Hi xaxaredbul!
It's not difficult to achieve this. Please provide a sample form.

12-17-2018, 12:06 AM
Yo can use this file.
The Pcname is in the Worksheet script.

12-25-2018, 01:29 AM
I don't quite understand, but you can try to do like below.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim UserName As String, d As Object, i&
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
d.Add "dlagm001", "Ivan"
d.Add "blago001", "Ivan"
d.Add "kolev003", "Nadya"
d.Add "aptul001", "Birhan"
d.Add "karag001", "Nikolay"
d.Add "ramis001", "Semra"
d.Add "gueor001", "Ianko"
UserName = LCase(Environ("UserName"))
If d.exists(UserName) Then
MsgBox "Hello " & d(UserName) & " " & vbNewLine & "10.12.2018 change:" & vbNewLine & "!Paste! function is removed for colums:B,C,H,K,L,O,Q."
Styles("Normal").Interior.Color = RGB(240, 255, 255)
With Sheets("KOBU")
.Unprotect "123"
For i = 7 To .[h65536].End(3).Row
If InStr(.Cells(i, 8), Left(UserName, 5)) Then
.Cells(i, 1).Resize(, 11).Locked = False
End If
Next i
.Protect "123"
End With
Sheets("KOBU").Unprotect "123"
Cells.Locked = True
Sheets("KOBU").Protect "123"
End If
End Sub

01-03-2019, 04:36 AM
Ok Thank you.

now it's almost working, but is not protecting the hole line. It is protecting only some of the cells from this line.
The original file have columns from A to AH. Column H is the one that you have to take the name.

This is the updated version of the script that i made working partially.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim UserName As String, d As Object, i&
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
d.Add "dlagm001", "I.Dlagmanov"
d.Add "blago001", "I.Blagov"
d.Add "kolev003", "N.Koleva"
d.Add "aptul001", "B.Aptulov"
d.Add "karag001", "N.Karagyozov"
d.Add "ramis001", "S.Ramisova"
d.Add "gueor001", "I.Gueorguiev"
UserName = LCase(Environ("UserName"))
If d.exists(UserName) Then
MsgBox "Hello " & d(UserName) & " " & vbNewLine & "10.12.2018 change:" & vbNewLine & "!Paste! function is removed for colums:B,C,H,K,L,O,Q."
Styles("Normal").Interior.Color = RGB(240, 255, 255)
With Sheets("List2")
.Unprotect "123"
For i = 7 To .[h65536].End(3).Row
If InStr(.Cells(i, 8), Left(UserName, 5)) Then
.Cells(i, 1).Resize(, 11).Locked = False
End If
Next i
.Protect "123"
End With
Sheets("List2").Unprotect "123"
Cells.Locked = True
Sheets("List2").Protect "123"
End If
End Sub

01-03-2019, 06:09 PM
Please Mark the thread as [Solved] when you have an answer, thank you!

01-03-2019, 11:41 PM
Yes but i still have not solved it. I cant make it to lock the hole line.