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12-20-2018, 06:53 AM
Is it possible to have indicators, similar to the indicator icons in conditional formatting, in my userform? I am
Thinking of something like a red/green traffic light, with the red light turning green when a task has successfully
been completed.
Would appreciate if anyone could point me to some kind of resource I can look at or somewhere I can research how
to do this.

12-20-2018, 07:04 AM
Perhaps you could use an image and enable or disable the visible property of the image that you want to show?

Go to View -> Toolbox -> Insert image

Change the background to transparent, the border to none and the visibility to true.

Then in your code, change the visibility of the icon/indicator you want to show.

Ex. in the start of your sub you can set the red light image to be visible and at the end of the macro you hide the red light image and show the green light image.

12-20-2018, 08:47 AM
Hey - thanks for your suggestion. I will definitely look into

12-20-2018, 09:55 AM
I think RYG traffic light icons would too small to highlight. I went to


to get 32x32 ico files. There's many other colors and shapes

This is just example of cycling Red-Yellow-Green-Blue for each of 4 steps


Option Explicit

Dim iStep As Long
Dim aryColors(1 To 4) As String

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
With Me
.Height = 260 ' hides ico's on bottom half

Call SetIcon(1, "R")
Call SetIcon(2, "R")
Call SetIcon(3, "R")
Call SetIcon(4, "R")
End With

iStep = 1
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

If aryColors(iStep) = "B" Then
iStep = iStep + 1

If iStep = 5 Then
Unload Me
End If
End If

Call SetIcon(iStep, "")

End Sub

Private Sub SetIcon(i As Long, c As String)

If Len(c) = 0 Then
Select Case aryColors(i)
Case "B"
aryColors(i) = "R"
Case "R"
aryColors(i) = "Y"
Case "Y"
aryColors(i) = "G"
Case "G"
aryColors(i) = "B"
End Select

aryColors(i) = UCase(c)
End If

With Me
Select Case aryColors(i)
Case "R"
Set .Controls("Image" & i).Picture = .Red.Picture
Case "Y"
Set .Controls("Image" & i).Picture = .Yellow.Picture
Case "G"
Set .Controls("Image" & i).Picture = .Green.Picture
Case "B"
Set .Controls("Image" & i).Picture = .Blue.Picture
End Select
End With

End Sub