View Full Version : Compact & Repair

01-13-2019, 09:15 PM
How to Compact & Repair DB through VBA Code?

01-14-2019, 02:26 AM
If you mean the currently open database it is
Application.SetOption "Auto compact", True

01-14-2019, 09:42 AM
Hi Kundan,
If you work with BackEnd and FrontEnd. I left you one code that compct and repair the backEnd and you should call form FrontEnd.

Sub CompactBackEnd()
On Error GoTo Err_CompactBackEnd
Dim DBPath As String
Dim DBPathTmp As String

' obtenemos la ruta de la base de datos vinculada
DBPath = DFirst("Database", "MSysObjects", "Database <> Null")
If Len(Dir(DBPath)) <> 0 Then
' construimos una ruta y nombre temporal para la base
' de datos a compactar
DBPathTmp = Left$(DBPath, Len(DBPath) - Len(Dir(DBPath)))
DBPathTmp = DBPathTmp & "~tmp" & Dir(DBPath)
' compactamos la base de datos
DBEngine.CompactDatabase DBPath, DBPathTmp
If Len(Dir(DBPathTmp)) <> 0 Then
' eliminamos la base de datos antigua
Call Kill(DBPath)
' renombramos la nueva base compactada
' al nombre de la original
Name DBPathTmp As DBPath
End If
End If

DBPath = ""
Exit Sub

01-15-2019, 09:46 PM
If you mean the currently open database it is
Application.SetOption "Auto compact", True

Thanks a Lot! GOD BLESS YOU!!!

01-15-2019, 09:51 PM
Hi Kundan,
If you work with BackEnd and FrontEnd. I left you one code that compct and repair the backEnd and you should call form FrontEnd.

Sub CompactBackEnd()
On Error GoTo Err_CompactBackEnd
Dim DBPath As String
Dim DBPathTmp As String

' obtenemos la ruta de la base de datos vinculada
DBPath = DFirst("Database", "MSysObjects", "Database <> Null")
If Len(Dir(DBPath)) <> 0 Then
' construimos una ruta y nombre temporal para la base
' de datos a compactar
DBPathTmp = Left$(DBPath, Len(DBPath) - Len(Dir(DBPath)))
DBPathTmp = DBPathTmp & "~tmp" & Dir(DBPath)
' compactamos la base de datos
DBEngine.CompactDatabase DBPath, DBPathTmp
If Len(Dir(DBPathTmp)) <> 0 Then
' eliminamos la base de datos antigua
Call Kill(DBPath)
' renombramos la nueva base compactada
' al nombre de la original
Name DBPathTmp As DBPath
End If
End If

DBPath = ""
Exit Sub

The code is great!! If you could translate the comments in English it would help me a lot to understand. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

01-16-2019, 12:43 AM
Hi Kundan,
If you work with BackEnd and FrontEnd. I left you one code that compct and repair the backEnd and you should call form FrontEnd.

Sub CompactBackEnd()
On Error GoTo Err_CompactBackEnd
Dim DBPath As String
Dim DBPathTmp As String

' obtenemos la ruta de la base de datos vinculada
DBPath = DFirst("Database", "MSysObjects", "Database <> Null")
If Len(Dir(DBPath)) <> 0 Then
' construimos una ruta y nombre temporal para la base
' de datos a compactar
DBPathTmp = Left$(DBPath, Len(DBPath) - Len(Dir(DBPath)))
DBPathTmp = DBPathTmp & "~tmp" & Dir(DBPath)
' compactamos la base de datos
DBEngine.CompactDatabase DBPath, DBPathTmp
If Len(Dir(DBPathTmp)) <> 0 Then
' eliminamos la base de datos antigua
Call Kill(DBPath)
' renombramos la nueva base compactada
' al nombre de la original
Name DBPathTmp As DBPath
End If
End If

DBPath = ""
Exit Sub

01-16-2019, 12:43 AM
What will be the code in "Err_CompactBackEnd" ????