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View Full Version : Update chart when adding new sheets of data

03-12-2019, 05:42 AM

I do a lot of simple raw-data presentations in my projects where I simply want to show the data fast before I go into deeper analysis. For this I want to simply dump my data (a new sheet for every dataset) and have a graph update with my data as I add sheets. To do this manually gets very tedious. On every sheet I want to add the same range, let's for simplicity say I want to add columns A1:A5 against B1:B5 from "Sheet1" , "Sheet2"... and so on. How would one go about creating such a chart, I'm assuming it's through some kind of VBA script but I have never delved into VBA-scripts before. Does anyone know of any thread which goes through similar topics, I was unable to find any.

With Regards

03-12-2019, 08:29 AM
Does each sheet have it's own chart showing data from that sheet and always from the same range?

Example, you have ...

Sheet 1 - Line Chart1 using Sheet1!A1:A5 vs B1:B5

Sheet 2 - Line Chart2 using Sheet2!A1:A5 vs B1:B5

Sheet 3 - Line Chart3
using Sheet3!A1:A5 vs B1:B5

and when you insert Sheet4 with data Sheet4! A1:A5 vs B1:B5 you want a new

Line Chart4 using Sheet4!A1:A5 vs B1:B5???

03-18-2019, 04:37 AM
Yes that is right, at least to some degree. I have 3 methods of acquiring data and usually name my sheets the same as my datapoint and the method used, something like this:


and so on.

In many cases I have hundreds of datasets from different points and the three methods. What is consistent though is that for each method every dataset is presented the exact same way with regards to which data I want to display in my chart.
I have attached an example to this message which might clear things up 😊 I Appreciate all help I can get!

03-21-2019, 11:46 PM
Hi zhunage!
Although I don't quite understand what you mean, but I made an interesting thing for you.
Please refer to the attachment.


03-25-2019, 11:53 PM
Hello Okami,

that was pretty cool, being able to update the graph by switching the drop-down cell.
I'll keep it in mind when designing my workbook. Thanks a million!

With regards,

03-26-2019, 12:07 AM
You're welcome:friends: