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View Full Version : Update Cost on a smaller spreadsheet from costs on a larger spreadsheet.

03-13-2019, 08:41 AM
Thanks in advance for the help..!

The smaller spreadsheet has around 8,000 records and the larger spreadsheet has around 20,000 records. The larger spreadsheet have the correct (updated) cost and the smaller spreadsheet have the out-of-date costs.
What I have been doing is to import both of these spreadsheets into Access and then export them back to a spreadsheet after I've ran an Update Query.
I was looking for a way to do this in Excel without using Access.


03-17-2019, 08:01 PM
It would help to see an example of your workbook/s.

03-18-2019, 05:39 AM
Thanks for the reply, nothing special about them. The smaller one has the outdated cost the larger 'master' one has the updated cost.
I was wondering if Excel has anything that is similar to the Access Update Query.

I have since started the process of coding the Excel to Access and back to Excel code.

Thanks again for your reply,