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View Full Version : Need help for copy columns to new sheet with new order and two or more criteria

03-29-2019, 10:16 AM
Hello, everyone

This is my first post here and I have a question

I apologize in advance for my bad English

My girlfriend has a home for elderly people and I want to simplify her work

I have an Excel workbook in which I have made several documents and two lists of people who are housed in an elderly home.

One list is with all accommodated people from 2006 until now.
The second list is for this year only - only for people who were accommodated on 01.01.2019 and all accommodated after that date.

For government statistics every month a new list should be made from annual list, but with different order of columns and in new sheet one column must have formula from column in annual list. A separate list should be made for each house.

An example of an annual list and a monthly list can be found in the attachment with formula in column D (with the new name of this column). In new list Column 'F' - "Contract number" must be empty for now, dates must be in dd.mm.yyyy format

I want to create a button and with this button after entering the month, data to be copied to the new sheets. Perhaps it should be checked whether there is already this month and ask for overwrite...

Thanks in advance for help

03-30-2019, 11:04 AM
Also posted on multiple other sites
Please read

03-30-2019, 09:17 PM
Sorry for cross-posting

This question is posted also www.vbaexpress.com/forum/showthread.php?64885-Need-help-for-copy-columns-to-new-sheet-with-new-order-and-two-or-more-criteria&p=389385 and www.mrexcel.com/forum/excel-questions/1092685-vba-copy-columns-new-sheet-new-order-two-more-criteria.html