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View Full Version : [SOLVED:] Need advice with manuals and instructions

04-02-2019, 01:57 AM
Greetings experts,

I am currently trying to make an excel sheet into a form and I am in need of a manual which contains instructions which can teach me (but not limited to):

- How to create drop down boxes and create the selection based on my own input instead of a range
- How to create drop down boxes and create the selection based on an external database
- How to format cells into checkboxes with requirements (example: can only select 2 out of 4)
- How to limit cell characters
- How to lock certain cells and inputs such that it is locked until you meet previous cell requirements
- How to permanently lock certain cells and rangers
- How to create an upload button and embed the file as an object into a cell

I am trying to avoid using VBA or Userforms as no one can maintain a Userform; I need it to be as sustainable as possible after I leave.

Any help is much appreciated! https://www.excelforum.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

04-04-2019, 01:40 AM
Well since you asked.... Try undertaking an advanced Excel course. What you are asking for here is normally beyond the scope of our members given that they donate their time freely to others. Secondly, the standard practice in forums such as this, the OP (you) asks a question and we try to present an answer. I am confident that in hindsight you would agree that what you are asking if essentially a raft of questions about a significant range of material. Well beyond that which we would normally expect to undertake within this forum.

04-04-2019, 02:22 AM
Hi, thank you for your reply! :)

I have taken that into consideration and I am finding courses now.