View Full Version : Loop through TOC to make all page numbers right aligned

04-24-2019, 07:28 AM
I am having an issue with the TOC in some of my documents where the page number doesn't align to the right side of the page. The TOC has 2 tabs defined, a left-align tab for the text to move away from the section number and a right-align tab that is used for the actual page number. I would like to loop through each individual section title and test where the page numbers are located. If they are not at the right-aligned tab position, then add a tab which will then move the page number to the right. So, if anyone knows how to loop through each individual item in the TOC, can you please tell me?


04-24-2019, 03:00 PM
All you need do is modify the TOC Styles. No code or looping required. See, for example: