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View Full Version : VBA:Problem with DCOUNT + Problem while copying data from range to listbox

05-26-2019, 01:32 PM
Hi everyone,

I am having a hard time getting around some errors in my VBA code, so I was hoping to find some answers on this forum.

I have created a userform for creating new data that I can insert into an Access table called EMPLOYEE. While inserting the employee, I want to assign an Manager ID to each employee but the Manager ID must exist in the EMPLOYEE table, column EMPLOYEE_ID. Here is the code that I have used for this purpose:

Private sub create_click ()
Dim conn as object
Dim rs as Object
Dim strconn as String
Dim qry as String
Dim msg

Set conn = createobject("ADODB.connection")
set rs = createobject("ADODB.recordset")

strconn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data source = C:\MyPath\MyDB.accdb"
qry = "select * from employee"

with rs
if isnumeric(ManagerID) = false then
msgbox "Invalid Manager ID"
exit sub
elseif application.worksheetfunction.dcount("employee_ID","employee","activ='Yes' and employee_ID='" & [EmployeeForm.ManagerID] & "'") = 0 then
msgbox "Manager ID does not exist "
exit sub
. fields("Manager_ID").value = ManagerID
end if
end with

with employee
.superviseurID.value = ""
set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing

msgbox "Operation completed"
end sub ()

When I run this code I get the error : 'Compile error Type' with Employee_ID highlighted in the Dcount line.

I have looked through the internet and I understand this might be due to the fact that the source field ManagerID in the userform is a textbox while the target field Manager_ID in the Access table is a number but I have tried every solution found on forums but nothing is working, hence my presence in this forum :). Can someone help figure out what the problem is here please?

The second problem that I am encountering is when retrieving data from Access, copying it into an excel sheet and showing the result into a Listbox.

In the same userform, I have a search button that looks through the Employee table to find data. I am able to copy the data into a dynamic range in excel but when I try to show the result in the ListBox, only the first column is being shows. Here is how I created my dynamic range:


And here is the code that I have created:

Private sub search_click ()
Dim conn as object
Dim rs as Object
Dim strconn as String
Dim qry as String
Dim var1

Set conn = createobject("ADODB.connection")
set rs = createobject("ADODB.recordset")

strconn = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & "Data source = C:\MyPath\MyDB.accdb"

var1 = me.employeeid

if activ = true then
qry = "select * from employee where activ = 'Yes' and employeeid=" & var1
qry = "select * from employee where employeeid=" & var1
end if

application.Screenupdating = false

rs.open qry, conn

if rs.eof and rs.bof then
set rs = nothing
set conn= nothing
application.Screenupdating = true
msgbox "No result"
exit sub
end if
thisworkbook.worksheets("employee").range("a2").copyfromrecordset rs

set rs = nothing
set conn = nothing

application.screenupdating = true

me.listbox1.rowsources = "OutputSource"

end sub

Can someone help me figure out what I am doing wrong here?

Thanks :)