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View Full Version : Slicer changing chart styles

06-09-2019, 05:27 AM

Not exactly a VBA post, but I am an expert in a lot of things Excel and this is driving me nuts.

I create a chart and format it the way I like but when I add a Slicer it defaults back to a built in style. I have even tried saving as a chart template and that does not work.

I could have some VBA to change all of the chart formatting but why should I have to do that?

Anyone have ideas?

Also, I get tremendous lag typing here. Any ideas on that too?


06-09-2019, 09:12 AM
I think I have an answer to my own question (not sure if there are others). Do not create and format your chart with fields in the filter section! Create and format your chart first AND THEN add fields to the filter. Having fields in the filter section will only save the formatting for that particular view of data. Change the filter and Excel reverts back to built-in formatting.