View Full Version : [SLEEPER:] Spacing within the lines of text using VBA macros in PowerPoint

06-24-2019, 01:55 PM

I am trying to develop a macro in PowerPoint(using VBA)to get consistent spacing between the lines of text in all slides (throughout the presentation) when macro is run only once ( Mostly trying to get rid of using 'Selection' method ) . Also spacing between two paragraphs. I was stuck at getting macros work on text/paragraphs that is present inside charts/tables as shown. Even if I get, the content/boxes is falling outside the slide and main titles in slide are colliding with text in text area. Please help me to achieve this. I am attaching the sample slides with numbering, that could convey my problem clearly. Any help is like a ray of light!!!! Please reply if I could provide any clarification.