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View Full Version : Opening XLSM file with Excel 2007 does not display content

09-11-2019, 09:13 PM
Hi everyone
- I opened xlsm file with office 2007 but it didn't display the content. I have enabled all macro, VBA
- My computer is using Windows 10
- Please help me

09-12-2019, 01:39 PM
It cannot be excluded that the file window is hidden. Go to View tab and find Unhide button. Press it.


09-13-2019, 12:09 AM
It cannot be excluded that the file window is hidden. Go to View tab and find Unhide button. Press it.

Unhide button is locked, I don't know why I can't open xlsm file, while I enabale all the macro, vba tool
Thanks you for the reply

09-13-2019, 07:16 AM
After "opening" the file, go to the VBA editor (LeftAlt+F11) and see if it appears in the list of open projects. If it is not there, it is likely that the file has not been opened. In this case, it could be blocked by Excel.
Unfortunately, I don't remember now where, but somewhere in Excel is a place where you can see a list of blocked files.

Also read this article: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/what-is-file-block-10d0e0ab-fecf-4605-befd-1e6563e7686d


09-16-2019, 02:02 AM
I tried to do as you said, VBA Editor is notthing, and list of blocked files - File block setting - trust center is only available in higher excel version, Where can I find it in office 2007?

09-16-2019, 02:28 AM
Unfortunately, MSO 2007 was a very short episode in my life. I no longer have access to it.

But another thought occurred to me. Maybe the macro is written so that if a condition is not met, the file is not opened. Admittedly, it seems to me that you should see for a moment that the file has been opened. If you want to go this way, change the settings in Excel so that files are opened without running macros (or at least you must agree to run them; in this case, do not agree to run macros). Try to open the file again without running macros. If the workbook shows up, it may mean that you need to look for the solution in the code. If the workbook is still not visible, it will indicate that Excel has blocked it.

I probably don't have more ideas.


09-16-2019, 03:13 AM

In that case the file can be opened with macros disabled (shift-Open).

09-16-2019, 03:29 AM
Yes, but remember that it works only from the Excel interface. It will not work if you double-click to open a file from the file manager.


09-16-2019, 11:37 PM
- I still cannot open it, today I checked all computers in my office (15 computer) and i found only one computer that can open xlsm files, I checked excel option like that computer but still cannot open files.
- All computer use window 10 and office 2007
- What should I check more??, File blocking setting excel 2007 (i did not find it), regedit, defaut program, macros' code, or.....
Haizz, I am feeling confusing for this case
Thanks you for reply

09-18-2019, 08:30 PM
someone help me, please !!!!

09-19-2019, 06:32 AM
How did you open the workbook? From within Excel, or from elsewhere by double-clicking?

09-19-2019, 06:39 PM
- Yes, I have tried everything but it still didn't work, my office has 15 computers and the files I need to open are located in the common server of the office.
- The problem is: only one computer can open it normally (computer name: tbc-13), the other 14 computers cannot open files like the image I posted above.
- All computers are using Windows 10, Office 2007, I am looking for the difference between the computer name: tbc-13 and the other 14 computers and I still haven't found it.
- Do you have any suggestions for me about finding the difference between computer name: tbc-13 and the other 14 computers?
Thanks you for reply

09-20-2019, 12:28 AM
You didn't answer the question and only provided 'information' you provided earlier.

09-20-2019, 01:12 AM
- Yes, I have tried everything but it still didn't work, my office has 15 computers and the files I need to open are located in the common server of the office.
- The problem is: only one computer can open it normally (computer name: tbc-13), the other 14 computers cannot open files like the image I posted above.
- All computers are using Windows 10, Office 2007, I am looking for the difference between the computer name: tbc-13 and the other 14 computers and I still haven't found it.
- Do you have any suggestions for me about finding the difference between computer name: tbc-13 and the other 14 computers?
Thanks you for reply
I answered and added information about the location of the files,
I mean, I installed everything about office 2017 on my computer like computer name: tbc-13, but still can't open the files, I'm looking for a reason.