View Full Version : Can't generate SQL code using that VBA script

09-26-2019, 12:05 PM
Hello. I want to convert access database to mysql. So that I've tried to use this code on two different bases. And for both cases that script do absolutely nothing

'Put this function in new/existing MS-Access module.
' Version History:
' 2014-02-09 - Seamus Casey
' a modification to Ivan's handy Access to MySQL relationship/constraint generator
' changes include:
' 1) skip Access system tables (TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObjec)
' 2) add support for cascading updates/deletes

Public Sub printRelations()
Dim sql, fk As String
Dim I, J As Integer
Dim db As Database
Dim Table As TableDef
Dim TableName As String

' grab a reference to this once, otherwise when we retrieve a table below,
' we will get an 'Object Invalid or No Longer Set' error.
Set db = CurrentDb

For I = 0 To db.Relations.Count - 1

Set Table = db.TableDefs.Item(db.Relations(I).Table)

If ((Table.Attributes And TableDefAttributeEnum.dbSystemObject) = 0) Then

sql = "ALTER TABLE `" & db.Relations(I).ForeignTable & _
"` ADD CONSTRAINT `" & db.Relations(I).Name & "` FOREIGN KEY ("
fk = "("
For J = 0 To db.Relations(I).Fields.Count - 1
sql = sql & "`" & db.Relations(I).Fields(J).ForeignName & "` ,"
fk = fk & "`" & db.Relations(I).Fields(J).Name & "` ,"
Next J

sql = Left(sql, Len(sql) - 1)
fk = Left(fk, Len(fk) - 1)
fk = fk & ")"
sql = sql & ") REFERENCES `" & db.Relations(I).Table & "`" & fk

If (db.Relations(I).Attributes And RelationAttributeEnum.dbRelationUpdateCascade) Then
sql = sql & " ON UPDATE CASCADE"
End If

If (db.Relations(I).Attributes And RelationAttributeEnum.dbRelationDeleteCascade) Then
sql = sql & " ON DELETE CASCADE"
End If

sql = sql & ";"

Debug.Print sql
End If
Next I
End Sub

Maybe I need to set certain table name to make it work? So I need some help with that