View Full Version : VBA filter and cell formatting

12-05-2019, 10:01 AM

I couldn't figure it out on my own so i decided to turn to the professionals.

I have a Macro in which if a value is entered in a cell right of the table, the table values ,formulas,format from above is copied right below the old one. Now the thing i need is that one of the copied cells would check if it is the same value from the previous table and create pop up: New value (or at least change it's colour). To put it simply i attached a workbook. IF a value is entered in G column. The previous cells are copied and pasted nearby. What is need is when a new table is created, to check if (For this instance) B24=B35 and if not create a Message box or at least change it's colour.25543 Thank you for your help.